Beachbody Coach

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Eating healthy

Eating healthy doesn't have to be strenuous or even expensive.  When thinking of your meals, planning is the most important.  Planning helps you to stay focused and to not feel overwhelmed.

I will share some tips that I use when I am eating healthy.

1. Create a meal calendar start with a weekly one and then a monthly if feeling overwhelmed.  I find when I create my meal calendar which I do for the month, then I only buy what is needed and I tend to stick to it.  I try to stick to balancing my meal plan with 2 protein, 4 fruits/vegetables, 1 fat, and 1 oils.

2. Make a list of what to buy and do not deviate from it.
Be honest with yourself about what you are willing to eat and not eat.  Don't write it down if you know you don't like it.  For instance, I can't stand cottage cheese so I substitute it for something else instead of forcing myself to eat it.

3. It's okay to cheat.  I usually have one cheat a day. I plan my cheat in late afternoon that way I can still burn it off and not feel guilty.  It also takes the cravings away.

4. Measure and weight yourself once a week. I measure myself which is so important because sometimes the pounds seem like they are not coming off.  However in reality your body is losing inches and by measuring yourself you can see the positive results.

5. Time.  Give yourself a month before quitting.  If after a month you really gave it everything and you still are not happy find another routine or schedule.  I find after a month, I either really like it or hate it.  I will still have results.

6. Don't try to be the expert.  An exercise program of any kind takes time. Don't beat yourself up, it takes time to feel comfortable and get good at something.  Don't be afraid to do the modifications and work your body up to the expert.  There are many exercises that I will never be able to do like a push up,  I am okay with it and just learn to do them on my knees.  I still try to do one before going to my knees to build endurance but also don't beat myself up over it.

If your interested let me know at
 You can do it to!

Breakfast - cereal with fruit
Snack 1 - carrots with hummus
Lunch - Shakeology
Snack 2 - trail mix
Dinner - Pasta primavera

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