When beginning a work out, you will become frustrated several times throughout. It is hard to make time for the new workout and the confidence fads along with the drive to continue. It is important to know that it takes time for your body to look and feel the way you want and make it a lifelong routine.
1, Weigh yourself once a week and chart your weight. Don't however be to hard on yourself. You will begin to notice differences over time. Also be aware that you may not lose too many pounds right away.
2. Measure yourself in the chest, arms, legs, butt, hips and stomach area once a week. I find that this shows the most change. This is the area that will start to make your clothes big on you and also start to motivate you to continue.
3. Eat healthy! I cannot stress enough how important it is to eat healthy. I find making a plan for the week of what I am actually going to eat including snacks. This not only keeps my grocery bill down but also is easier to follow.
4. Cheat occasionally. Many times people do not follow their programs because they think they can't cheat at all. Sometimes you will just not feel up to exercising or you want that ice cream. Go for it but make sure it's reasonable and a serving size. My cheat is to have one miniature Hershey everyday! I find that when I have my one miniature Hershey, I don't crave anything else.
5. Exercise program. Choose a program that works for you. I have tried PIYO, Cize and 21 Day Fix. Although they are all amazing! I get bored too so I rotate them to change it up.
If your interested let me know at http://www.teambeachbody.com/dolphie
You can do it to! http://www.teambeachbody.com/dolphie
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